상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Full Services


by blackkiwi 2009. 5. 13. 21:53



As one of the nation’s fastest growing independent public relations agencies, we offer a full range of public relations services and much more.

From initial market research and strategic planning to editorial services, media relations, blog consulting, event planning, and PR metrics, our comprehensive public relations services can be tailored to fit any PR situation.

We can help you find your way in this increasingly complex and sometimes bewildering new media landscape.  We’ll identify the right tools for reaching your target audiences.  We’ll work with you to build a community of customers who can provide valuable market intelligence while spreading the word about what you do. We’ll help you establish a presence in the online networks where your customers and other stakeholders work and play.
We’ll show you how to use rich media to build buzz and excitement about your products and services.  But most importantly, we’ll develop a comprehensive new media strategy that helps you achieve your business objectives.

KIWI PR helps growth oriented domestic and foreign corporations rise above the competition to get their message out to customers, partners and market influencers. We develop successful communications strategies that enable companies to build and extend market leadership and capture mindshare for new products and technologies in a rapidly changing environment.
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Develop marketing PR strategy
  • New Product and technology article distribution
  • PPL(Product Placement)
  • Marketing promotion events

Media relations
  • Press Release distribution.
  • Organize press interviews & conferences
  • Develop and disseminate effective press kits, company profiles, information packages, etc.
  • Organize media familiarization trips to strategic locations
  • monitor all relevant media & compile news clippings
  • Media Training -Do’s and don’ts in handling the Korean media

Web/Interactive Development

Our user-centric approach to interactive marketing puts customer needs and goals at the core of every campaign or solution we design whether it's online advertising, email or search engine marketing. And, more than ever before, the online channel allows you to track your performance. Through sophisticated data modeling and analytics, you can continually optimize your channels and creative approach to achieve extraordinary results.


Events provide a necessary inflection point for product launches, new campaigns, news announcements or customer outreach efforts. KIWI specializes in highly focused events, particularly IT end user and developer related conferences, workshops and seminars.

  • Trade show support

Graphic Design
Brochures, leaflet production, collateral design and innovative direct mail are just some of the services offered by Kiwi’s design partners. If it's conceivable, they can create it.
Advertising coordination



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